Northern lights predictions: Is the solar storm still happening?

Appearance of northern lights could intensify on Sunday (today), estimated to look like they were seen on its outset on Friday
An undated image of a celestial phenomenon. — Pexels
An undated image of a celestial phenomenon. — Pexels

Solar storm, or the strongest geomagnetic storm, astounded people on Friday after surfacing in more than 20 years.

The occurrence of the celestial phenomenon was witnessed in a follow-up of a spate of solar flares and coronal mass ejections that happened during the past few days, slightly fading on Saturday.

Read more: Aurora spectacle — Rare solar storm illuminates night sky worldwide

This once-in-decades storm has proved to be a bliss for most of the US, as it allowed the residence to have the best view of the aurora borealis, commonly known as northern lights. 

Northern lights to intensify: Catch the best glimpse 

Anxious to be aware of predictions, duration and the intensity the solar storm you might observe today? Gadinsider is here to keep you posted with all around the geomagnetic storm, as always.

As per the latest forecasts provided by space exploration firms around the world, the appearance of the northern lights could intensify on Sunday (today), estimated to look like they were seen on its outset on Friday.

The storm activity is not exhibiting the extent of severity it showcased on Friday, when it commenced the real show of the northern lights and extended to as far south as Mexico. 

Colour of the solar activity might not be favourable to the naked eye, but their emergence would definitely provide better viewing experience if seen through a smartphone camera.

But that also relies on your position and knowing where you should look in order not to miss an opportunity. So keep an eye on Gadinsider if you wish to know more about the celestial event and have a geek for such stuff.