Spectacular blue meteor lights up night sky

Several videos have been surfacing online that showcase a giant blue meteor
An undated image of a meteor passing from the sky. — Unsplash
An undated image of a meteor passing from the sky. — Unsplash

A spectacular celestial event caught the attention of many in Spain and Portugal when a vibrant blue meteor lit up the night sky. Despite no official confirmation, several social media users shared photos and videos of the incident that left many in awe.

A blue fireball shot across the night sky on Saturday (May 18), mesmerising onlookers in Spain and Portugal. The meteor's vivid blue colour was visible for a few seconds before disappearing after which the social media platforms were flooded with photos and videos of the meteor caught by onlookers.

Several videos have been surfacing online, showing the giant meteorite crossing the skies of Spain and Portugal. It is expected that the meteor speed was estimated to be around 61, 000 km/h.

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Although there has been no official confirmation, social media users have shared photos and videos of the sky lit up with a passing giant blue fireball. The sudden flash of light startled people, with some concerned immediately preparing to deal with any untoward incident.

According to NASA, a meteor shower occurs when Earth passes through the dust path left by a comet. These events are often named after a nearby star or constellation. The last meteor shower that was observed was the Lyrids, which occurred in April, known for being one of the oldest recorded meteor showers with a history of 2,700 years.